Market Research Products

Electric Vehicles

U.S. EV Business Report
$ 95 
U.S. EV Policy Report
$ 95 

Frequently asked questions

How do I access the report?

Simply add the products that you wish to purchase to your cart. Upon successfully checking out, you will receive a link to download each report as well as an email confirmation (with download links).

Do I need a subscription?

You do not need a subscription to access DG+ research products. Simply choose the products that you would like to purchase and check out by clicking on the cart in the upper right portion of your screen.

Do you have a subscription that I could sign up for?

At this moment, we do not have an online subscription for purchase. If you are interested in such a model, please contact us at

Will there be future reports?

We plan to release new reports each quarter. These reports may include updated versions of existing products or they will include new topics.

Can I get customized market research for my company?

Yes, we provide tailored market research and intelligence reports for businesses, educational institutions, policymakers, and more. To learn more, email

What do I get when I purchase?

By purchasing a report, you receive a non-exclusive, non-refundable, and non-transferable license that allows you to share the report within the same organization. You agree not to permit any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or transmission of the information within this report without the express written permission of DG+.

Can I get a refund?

After you have purchased a report from DG+, you can request a refund within 5 days of receipt if you are unsatisfied for any reason. Please contact us at and we will gladly refund  you 100% of the purchase price. For more information, view the DG+ Store Terms of Use.

How do I provide feedback?

We always appreciate hearing from interested individuals. Please email to provide any feedback on our research products or to suggest a report topic.


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