Consulting Services

Market Entry and Prioritization Strategy

Correctly selecting markets for entry can have significant consequences for the future of an organization. Entering a new market requires deep knowledge of its size, growth potential, policies, competitors, suppliers, and customers. Systematically gathering these insights allows organizations to prioritize among many potential markets in which to offer their products and services.
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The Need

In today’s energy and sustainability industries, a comprehensive, data-driven strategy for market entry and prioritization is indispensable. 

Without narrowing down attractive markets, organizations risk spreading efforts and resources too thin, eroding operational efficiencies and reducing profitability. 

Conversely, focusing on the wrong markets, organizations can run into higher regulatory barriers, tougher competitive threats, and overlook other high-potential opportunities.

A detailed market entry and prioritization strategy allows for the effective allocation of resources, aligns business strategy with high-potential areas, provides a competitive edge, mitigates risks, refines marketing messaging, and guides informed investment decisions.

We are focused
on cleantech and climate tech.

With our in-house expertise in energy policy, market research and data analysis, DG+ assesses the incentives, competitive landscape, and key financial indicators in the energy and sustainability sectors to identify the most attractive markets and prioritize areas of growth for your organization.
Sample Projects

You’ve got big questions in your business. We help you answer them.

Key Questions

  • What is the current size of the market segment and what are its projected growth rates?
  • Who are the major players and what are the gaps in this market?
  • How is the current and anticipated regulatory environment structured?
  • What is the potential profitability of this market for a given organization?
  • What specific problems or needs do target customers in this market face?

Key Players

  • Clean energy technology vendors
  • Industry stakeholders and industrial groups
  • Utilities
  • Energy companies
  • ESG investors
Who We Serve

Organizations from diverse sub-sectors rely on DG+ for tailored, high-quality research and technical content.

Clean Energy Developers

Pull ahead of the competition with insights into market trends, policy and regulatory landscapes, customer segments, partners, and suppliers.

Financiers and Equity Providers

Boost your ability to direct investments to the most promising investment opportunities.

ribbon cutting in huntley, illinois

Government Agencies and Municipalities

Reach your emissions reduction goals guided by our specialized expertise in key energy market indicators, technologies, and strategies.

Utilities and Retail Electricity Providers (REPs)

Leverage research and analysis to assess emerging technologies, adapt to changing market trends, and reach customers.

utility substation at dusk

Large Consulting Firms

Your complex, multi-organizational projects benefit from subcontractors with technical expertise in energy markets and technologies. DG+ can also help meet small business requirements in certain markets.

Technology Providers

Navigate your market with a deep understanding of your competition, insight into market developments, and effective communication of your product.

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